HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group July 23rd

Good Tuesday morning!

After spending part of the day in Ottawa yesterday to visit the Museum of Nature, where we walked for 2.5 hours to view all of the exhibits, we will be taking it easy today. David has started having issues with plantar fasciitis in the past couple of weeks, so I think rest days between walking days are preferable.

We are enjoying a string of perfect summer days here and I’m enjoying going with the flow during our staycation. Sure, we made a list of activities we’d like to do, but unlike most vacations, where I plan everything in details, we decide what we want to do according to how we feel that day. And I’m enjoying not putting pressure on ourselves to do every single thing on our list. That’s a major mind shift for me. Are you the type of person who likes to plan everything when you go on vacation, or do you let others do the planning and just enjoy the experience?

I hope everyone has had a great start to their week, with more to come today 🙂
