Posted in: FB Team / FB Site Updates

Workout Collections and Beta Update!

Release 2024.07.23 adds new FB Plus capability to save your favorite workout filters into their own collection for easy access.  In addition, the beta filter user interface design has been extended to all filter pages with some improvements and bug fixes.  

Everyone is now automatically opted in to the beta and has an opportunity to try out the new interfaces.  You can still return to the legacy filter views from your Account Profile, but we’ll be retiring them soon so we encourage you to use the new filters and give us feedback if there is anything you feel still needs improvement.

Workout Collections

This is an advanced FB Plus feature that allows you to save your commonly used filters. To start, simply select your filters and select the “Save Collection” button.

Save Collection

Now, on the collections tab, there is a new “My Collections” drop down.  Select your collection to quickly see the first ten results, then click “View All” if you would like to see more.

Save Collection

You can also share your collection with others! Select the pencil icon and make the collection public, then select the share icon and give out the QR code or the quick share link.

Save Collection

You can easily edit the title of your collection, but to change the filters, click the copy icon and click the “View or edit filters before saving collection” link to create a new collection after you have modified the filters.  Collections can also be deleted at any time.

Filter Improvements and Beta Updates

Thank you for all the feedback! The beta workout filter interface has been extended to all filter pages (articles, recipes, notifications, etc.) and includes a few updates!

  • Custom workouts now have filtering capability!  🎉
  • Custom workouts now have tag support
  • Quickly collapse (or expand) all filters within the filter menu
  • Individually collapsed or expanded filters within the filter menu
  • Hide the filters completely by selecting the filter icon (right next to the number of results)
  • After using the keyword search filter, a clickable “X” will appear and can be used to quickly clear out the keyword
  • Fixed scroll positioning when using the browser forward / back buttons on iOS
  • Fixed bug where Safari would close the filter menu intermittently
  •  Fixed mobile zooming when clicking minutes or calorie burn inputs
  • Clicking the blue “filters” toggle switch a second time no longer clears out filters (but will re-open the filter menu)

** Edit **

With release 2024.07.30 we fixed a few beta bugs and added a few more features to filters:

  • Fixed issue where the "Scheduled" filter would not show on the My Meal Plans page
  • Adjusted styling of "Expand / Collapse All Filters" so it stands out more
  • Made all filters collapsed by default
  • Filters will now remember if they were expanded or collapsed

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