Snail yoga?!?!

Fitness and wellness in one today: a nice 9k undulating, very varied walk: we meandered along woodland paths, ploughed through grassy overgrown field tracks, strolled down quiet country lanes, down to a quiet little village with loads of thatched roofed cottages as well as a Saxon (!) church along the way. Also along the way: fields of barley, wheat and rapeseed, poppies, camomile, honeysuckle, clover, butterflies, beetles, slugs and the above snail… BTW seeing that snail made me think of yoga! What do you think: is this an “upward-snail” or a “downward-snail”?!

Photo collage in replies shows some of the beauty of our walk, in spite of cloudy weather. But with only seeing two other walkers and one car in the entire 9k: this certainly was wellness as much as fitness! Right?