Perspiration Pals 3 July 2024

Hello there, Pals! How are you today? It sounds like an empty question when I can’t even get back to you but I AM interested and I’ll do my best to read all your replies and conversations. You are very good at talking amongst yourselves and I know many of you are going through a bad patch or are struggling with a particular thing and I hope that coming here and read my random facts and all the replies might actually be a welcome diversion.

My skin is still acting up again… the steroid cream seemed to help but it’s not perfectly healed and there are peeling dry patches on various parts of my face so my shaky self-confidence is at an all-time low. Fortunately, the weather is a lot better now. No horrible muggy, sticky air and hopefully it’ll stay that way for at least a couple of days.

I did Day 17 of the Bodyweight program and it’s been almost two months since I grabbed a dumbbell so I swapped the scheduled routine for another one that required dumbbells but my arm didn’t particularly like it. On the bright side, I managed to get two appointments with two different rheumatologists so we’ll see what can be done to get my old arm/elbow back.

In the meantime, I’ve just lost my SD card with all my teaching material AND years of my PPals posts which I decided to save because I thought it would be nice to read them one day. All gone. And a lot of other things I can’t even think of now. I called our IT guy and he hasn’t got back to me yet so maybe at least some data can be recovered. I’m really upset now and I could cry but I can’t because I’m at work so I have to pretend that everything is fine. Fortunately, I’m good at this part.

Sorry, guys I can’t do the fact-finder fragment today…