My Workout & My Day

Good morning everyone and it's the start of another week and another month too because now we are into July and it's going to get really hot this week and upcoming weekend for us over here. I'm almost through week 3 of the 30 day challenge and my muscles have been really feeling it during these workouts and feeling it for the next couple of days too. All of the plants have been doing really well and growing big and producing us vegetables flowers and I think we will be getting fruit soon, I don't know how soon though it will be.

Since the days are going to be getting hotter it means that we will be able to go down tot he river and do some swimming down there and it also means that we will have to water the plants a lot more so that way the ground is still moist when it's hot outside. We just got our first zucchini yesterday and our first harvest of onion and we had that on our pizza last night and it was so good, and we will be getting a lot more vegetables soon.