Unable to play videos

Hello! Partway through a workout video last night, it froze and I couldn't get the video to resume playing. I tried again today and although the website is otherwise functional, I still can't get any videos to play. I've tried restarting the computer, clearing the cache, turning off add blocker, and trying Firefox instead of Chrome. It works fine on my cellphone and a different computer, so I'm not sure what the issue is. We pretty much exclusively use this laptop for fitnessblender.com and no settings have been changed anytime recently. Since clearing the cache, I now can't even login to the website because the "I'm not a robot" section won't load. Weirdly, sometimes I can get it to display the embedded link to YouTube, and if I click on that it takes me a page that says "video unavailable" but then I can click "watch on YouTube" and the video will play. Chrome version is 125.0.6422.142.