Mastering the Turkish getup at 66 years old

Yesterday I did a 55 min kettlebell workout with Daniel and loved it, but when we got to the Turkish Getups I was like: “ no way that’s going to happen”, so I didn’t even attempt it. But then in our daily checkin discussion somebody (Cabob3) said and I quote (hope you don’t mind): “Once I figured them out, Turkish get ups are one of those moves that make me feel so strong…”. That inspired me to have another go. And especially after seeing the benefits of the exercise I was even more determined! So….

No weights at first, breaking it down in bits as well as slowing each move right down, I managed it both sides!!!! I added a 1 kg dumbbell and managed after a few attempts. I even managed the 5pound (2.2kg) kettlebell! However, the 6kg kettlebell is still well-left alone, don’t fancy a brain injury. And elegance is a word that doesn’t feature in this exercise for me at all, but hey… I learned a new exercise. And that at the ripe old age of 66, actually 67 in three weeks time 😱!!!

Yay, Fitnessblender for getting me strong and Fitnessblender family for inspiring me. I hope I will still be doing Turkish Getups in 20 years time 🤔🙃🤗!

PS fun fact?!?!: I rescued that 5kb kettlebell from a skip! 🤣
