Good lovely morning everyone and it's a lovely beautiful start to the day for us over here and all the birds are singing their songs and flying around the property the sun is shining. Today is going to be a beautiful day with all the wonderful things that are going on around the property and the sky is blue, I did a lower body workout with Erica and if I haven't sped it up some I probably would have felt it more in my muscles and lifted weight on a lot more of the exercises. But that was for different reasons I will be watering all of the plants that my mom wants me to water for this morning and clear up some more weeds for the plants to have more room to grow and can absorb up the water.
Everything needs lots and lots of water because we just planted new seeds in all of the beds and those seeds need lots of it in order for them to start growing and coming out of the ground. We got lots of new things that we are growing this year and we still have more things to plant but we are hoping by next year we will have the new greenhouse up so that way we can use it by next year. It's going to be brand new and bigger than our last one or actually I think about the same size as the last one just a brand new one that will be built tougher to outstand those really high winds or crazy weather we get sometimes.
My Workout & My Day
Good lovely morning everyone and it's a lovely beautiful start to the day for us over here and all the birds are singing their songs and flying around the property the sun is shining. Today is going to be a beautiful day with all the wonderful things that are going on around the property and the sky is blue, I did a lower body workout with Erica and if I haven't sped it up some I probably would have felt it more in my muscles and lifted weight on a lot more of the exercises. But that was for different reasons I will be watering all of the plants that my mom wants me to water for this morning and clear up some more weeds for the plants to have more room to grow and can absorb up the water.
Everything needs lots and lots of water because we just planted new seeds in all of the beds and those seeds need lots of it in order for them to start growing and coming out of the ground. We got lots of new things that we are growing this year and we still have more things to plant but we are hoping by next year we will have the new greenhouse up so that way we can use it by next year. It's going to be brand new and bigger than our last one or actually I think about the same size as the last one just a brand new one that will be built tougher to outstand those really high winds or crazy weather we get sometimes.