New to FB..sort of. Questions about FB plus.

Hi all! I have been working out with FB for about ten years and was previously very consistent before injury and the onset of a chronic condition/chronic pain.

It’s been years(about 4) since I’ve really used the site, so I consider myself new because of all of the changes to the site model.

I have some questions about FB Plus as I consider a year subscription:

Is it worth it for a beginner who wants to kickstart their fitness journey again?

Can I customize programs as in move days around to accommodate a schedule and therefore make my programs longer? (Ex: a 30 day program becomes maybe a 45 day program because I’ve gone from 5 days a week to 3 days a week of FB.)

Lastly, if I understand this correctly, just because I have FB Plus doesn’t mean I get access to all of the workout programs at no additional charge but a discounted rate?

I was familiar with the free videos and I have purchased 10+ programs in the past. I was with FB before all of the additional trainers and content, so this is very new and exciting.

Anyway. Thanks ☺️