Post partum body image

Hi, i'm 7 weeks post partum and feel really bad about how I look. I know I should be happy with what my body has done, but that feels difficult.. especially since this is my second child and the first time I only started losing weight after I stopped breastfeedig after 8 months, that seems so far away right now. This time I gained a lot more weight due to not being able to move like I did the first pregnancy and I already started out with too much weight. I notice I start to focus on my weight more and more, while I should focus more on how I feel, which is a lot better than with my post partum depression the first time around. I've noticed that when I'm mentally okay, I lose weight/am more motivated to move than when i'm not. When my baby has a day of crying I also feel more need for unhealthy easy food then on any other day.

My negative body image has a lot to do with how my parents talked about my weight, even now my father already mentioned my belly stays bigger than after last pregnancy. While I know this is a stupid thing to say and I shouldn't listen to it, I still do. It's a negative cycle. I feel bad about my body, my mental state becomes more negative, i gain weight. And I'm even aware of this. Sometimes I think that without talking negatively about my body it would be al lot healthier.

Another very important thing is that I don't want to make my 2 year old aware of body image. She's has very cute chubby cheeks l love. But my parents make sure that we are aware of her looks even at this young age. And I know I shouldn't talk negatively about myself around her.

Does anyone here have some experience with a negative body image and ways to not influence your kid with this? I would feel terrible to give that to her.