Saturday đź‘» checkin 4-5-24

Hey blenderbuddies, how are you all doing today? It’s earlyish morning here. How about the time in your part of the world? I am sitting here having my usual oats and coffee for breakfast. And after this checkin I will be doing my daily brain workouts: a killer sudoku, a panagram and two crosswords… what’s your early morning routine on a Saturday morning?

Business, Lea, no cackling!

Your workout?! Rest day for me, although there will be a seaswim with a friend at some point, as the sea is supposedly really nice and calm today. What does your workout today entail? Quite a few of you are doing the 30 day challenge and have a recovery workout today, right? Is that you? Or are you finishing off other challenges or programmes? Or just freestylling? Whatever it is, as long as you enjoy what you’re doing, you’re doing fine!

Food: a Raven Friday for me… homemade pizza! And I planned this yesterday, yes, totally out of character for me, I know. Let’s hear about your meal “plans” today. A three course meal, just because it’s Saturday? Do you often have three courses or just on special occasions?

Photo time: I am sticking with Raven’s Friday green theme today. I took this picture in France a fortnight ago. Definitely a “50 shades of beautiful green” picture, I just had to take a photo as I walked past this spot! Any more greens to add here?

See you later, lovelies!