Weekend Check-Ins: Sunday, April 14👻

Good any time of Sunday you're in lovely Blendfriendz,

I've been worried sick since yesterday evening by the possible war in my country!! Not trying to open a political conversation here but I just want to say that I hope for world peace🕊

Alright, back to business! I have a picture for you. It's a throwback from 2021, one of my favorite photos. Two of my favorite thing in one photo; yellow flower and a green butterfly 🫠😍

Another favorite thing of mine is exercising. How about it blendies? Are you working out today? It's an active recovery day for me from Complete program to wrap up the 3rd week. I'm going for Brian's latest which I heard good thing about it. Please share your parts.

And next, comes the food talks. Are you guys cooking, someone else cooking or It's a leftovers/ eating out/ordering? We know there's no rest for this part of our check ins! So please share your delicious parts of the day. As for me, hubs is cooking and it's a new try and a surprise. I saw ground beef defrosting yesterday!

That's all I've got for now. Thanks for checking in with me. Tomorrow our lovely host Kim of Kims will be back to stay with us for couple week. But for now, I'll be looking forward to your replies.

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone💛

For Inge and family🥰