Fellow Blenders who have had surgery, how did it change your life?

I’m 4 days into my recovery from a hip labral repair and would love to hear how surgery changed your life/your fitness!

I was waiting on this surgery for 4 years and it still feels quite surreal to be 4 days into recovery. I’m hobbling about on crutches for now but I’m over the moon with the results already! Apart from a bit of stiffness and soreness, I have nearly no pain in my left hip which is incredible!

Chronic pain shrunk my life right down - I lost my spark, my joy, my fun, my spontaneity, my confidence. It really scuppered my ability to have long term goals, particularly around fitness, and, although I made massive strides and restored some of my mobility, there was so many things I couldn’t “do”.

I’ve got about 6 months of recovery to go but I already feel like I’m on the other side. I can’t wait to walk more than 5,000 steps, climb mountains, jump around at gigs, get out of a car gracefully...

I would love to hear how surgery changed your life. Did you shake up your fitness routine? Were you able to do new things? Did you find new hobbies, new passions? Was it a bumpy road?

Please share 🥰
