Perspiration Pal March 19, 2024

Hello, team, and Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is doing well. I'd been meaning to post this picture for a while but was worried it might be considered "racy". I remembered this morning, I am not actually a Victorian, so here you go. I wonder what these women were eating and what exercises they were doing to get these physiques. Not a lot of protein powder in the 1800s after all.

I'm on week 3 of FB Fit4 and it's going well so far. One thing they don't tell you about lifting heavy is that your arms are torched constantly, either from UB work or just holding onto heavy stuff during LB work. I'm considering a Booty+Flex combo for after I finish this but haven't decided yet.

On to links. The almighty youtube algorithm has suggested me this "Day in the life" vlog of a girl living in Lagos, Nigeria. Maybe I'm just a nosy bugger like Inge over on the other thread, but seeing how other people live their lives, what they eat, how they shop, is fascinating to me:

Watching this vlog reminded me I was meaning to try these Nigerian bean fritters (Akara):

Someone made a sweet twist on them, that apparently can serve as a rather good GF doughnut, if Lynna is interested:

That's it for the cultural exchange part of the post, let's move on to to kids saying the darnedest things:

I don't agree with the name of that community by the way, I think kids are hilarious as long as I can give them back after a couple of hours. What's the most out of left field thing your kids have said or done? Or what's the funniest antics you got into as a kid? I was a brutally honest child. One time I saw a lady putting on lipstick and I asked her "Why bother putting on lipstick if you're so ugly?". I'd cry if a kid told me that, props to her for laughing it off.

If you like looking at pretty people wearing pretty dresses, this entire slideshow is pretty great, with pretty few exceptions (the word pretty has lost all meaning now):

Finally, for the readers out there, how about some time traveling Oxford professors?

Ok, I think that's enough. I'm off, let me know what's up with you and remember to have a great day!