Hello there, Pals! How are you today? It’s gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day here. Our local public transport company is on strike at the moment but their service has been abysmal in the past, I should say, 10 years so I hardly noticeable. Yesterday, I saw a bus driver, who looked like a secretary. She had a nice hairdo, make up, the works AND she was smiling. That’s why I knew she wasn’t a real bus driver, I could practically hear the conversation: ‘Hey, Eve (let’s call her Eve),uhm… we need your help… ‘Oh, is it the copy machine again? ‘No, no, we need your driving skills now.’. Oh… all right, but only until 5 p.m.’ ‘Deal!’ And you know, it’s not that far from the truth…
Let’s talk about exercise now. I’ve been doing Flex for the past weeks now which means I walk around with a sore upper body almost all the time. Yesterday, however, I decided to do a nice five-flame lower-body routine with Tasha and I died a little. I couldn’t stop sweating for hours…
You know, I’m thinking about getting one of those sunrise alarm clocks because when my alarm goes off the G-force affecting my body is almost unbearable. A bit of light half an hour before I have to wake up would be helpful. Does any of you have a sunrise alarm clock…?
Let’s move on to our fact-finder fragment. Did you know that Australia is wider than the Moon? They are equally deadly but for different reasons. Also, there were active volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive. Another random fact, did you know that lemons float, but limes sink? Do you know why? Your homework is to find out.
All right, Pals, I need to go now, be good (if you can) have an easy day and read a good book (random piece of advice)
PS, I found this picture and I thought, yes, we need this.
Perspiration Pals 28 February 2024
Hello there, Pals! How are you today? It’s gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day here. Our local public transport company is on strike at the moment but their service has been abysmal in the past, I should say, 10 years so I hardly noticeable. Yesterday, I saw a bus driver, who looked like a secretary. She had a nice hairdo, make up, the works AND she was smiling. That’s why I knew she wasn’t a real bus driver, I could practically hear the conversation: ‘Hey, Eve (let’s call her Eve),uhm… we need your help… ‘Oh, is it the copy machine again? ‘No, no, we need your driving skills now.’. Oh… all right, but only until 5 p.m.’ ‘Deal!’ And you know, it’s not that far from the truth…
Let’s talk about exercise now. I’ve been doing Flex for the past weeks now which means I walk around with a sore upper body almost all the time. Yesterday, however, I decided to do a nice five-flame lower-body routine with Tasha and I died a little. I couldn’t stop sweating for hours…
You know, I’m thinking about getting one of those sunrise alarm clocks because when my alarm goes off the G-force affecting my body is almost unbearable. A bit of light half an hour before I have to wake up would be helpful. Does any of you have a sunrise alarm clock…?
Let’s move on to our fact-finder fragment. Did you know that Australia is wider than the Moon? They are equally deadly but for different reasons. Also, there were active volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive. Another random fact, did you know that lemons float, but limes sink? Do you know why? Your homework is to find out.
All right, Pals, I need to go now, be good (if you can) have an easy day and read a good book (random piece of advice)
PS, I found this picture and I thought, yes, we need this.