Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New Plus Video: Express Upper Body Prehab Strength

Hey, FB Fam!

Got an extra 20 minutes? Grab your weights and try our latest release: 

Express Upper Body Prehab Strength

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of dynamic, multi-directional movement that protects our bodies from future problems. Today’s workout checks all of those boxes and gives you 20 minutes of “you” time. That’s a win in our book!

The word “prehab” combines two concepts: preventative and rehabilitation. Oftentimes, the main goal of prehab workouts is to prevent a future “bad” outcome whether that be discomfort, pain, faulty movement patterns, or injury. Nearly all prehab routines that we release feature mobility, functional strength, and a ton of great learning points! We firmly believe that working out to help yourself today, as well as tomorrow, is the most effective and productive use of your time. 

What type of prehab workouts are you hoping to see next? We’re always listening! 

- Kayla