Hello Pals! Thank you for your kind responses to my whining about how I look. I have to hastily add that I don’t look like Quasimodo’s little sister and I’m very good at overthinking/reacting (apart from procrastination) so don’t feel sorry for me. Anyway, moving on, I think I’ll have a busy morning. It’s just a feeling. (And it’s already 2 p.m. so ‘the feeling’ was correct. I did have a busy morning. And early afternoon…)
I started the day with a 49-minute upper-body routine with Tasha. Obviously, since I’m doing Level Up With Tasha… there’s a 50-minute routine scheduled for tomorrow and if you think getting up only 4 minutes earlier than I usually do doesn’t make any difference, you’re not entirely wrong but my body would get into a heated argument with you. I don’t mind longish upper-body routines, though.
Let’s move on to our fact-finder fragment. Did you know that some rocks can actually move by themselves? Have you ever heard of the "walking rocks" or "sailing stones" of Death Valley? In a place called Racetrack Playa. California, you can actually find evidence that some exposed rocks appear to move across the surface of the playa on their own. The movement is thought to be caused by a sequence of rare events that begin when rain falls and forms large, ephemeral ponds. These then freeze overnight to form large, thin sheets of ice. The sheets then melt and break up in the midday sun. Driven by a light wind, the sheets slowly push the rocks forward, leaving their telltale trails behind them. Speaking of rocks, there is some rock in Canada that might be 4.28 billion years old. If they could talk… they would probably have a lot to say so perhaps it’s for the best that they can’t.
All right, Pals, that’s it from me today, I’m already tired… we shouldn’t work over 6 hours a day. Life should be enjoyed. It keeps coming up with enough unpleasant surprises as it is.
Perspiration Pals 8 February 2024
Hello Pals! Thank you for your kind responses to my whining about how I look. I have to hastily add that I don’t look like Quasimodo’s little sister and I’m very good at overthinking/reacting (apart from procrastination) so don’t feel sorry for me. Anyway, moving on, I think I’ll have a busy morning. It’s just a feeling. (And it’s already 2 p.m. so ‘the feeling’ was correct. I did have a busy morning. And early afternoon…)
I started the day with a 49-minute upper-body routine with Tasha. Obviously, since I’m doing Level Up With Tasha… there’s a 50-minute routine scheduled for tomorrow and if you think getting up only 4 minutes earlier than I usually do doesn’t make any difference, you’re not entirely wrong but my body would get into a heated argument with you. I don’t mind longish upper-body routines, though.
Let’s move on to our fact-finder fragment. Did you know that some rocks can actually move by themselves? Have you ever heard of the "walking rocks" or "sailing stones" of Death Valley? In a place called Racetrack Playa. California, you can actually find evidence that some exposed rocks appear to move across the surface of the playa on their own. The movement is thought to be caused by a sequence of rare events that begin when rain falls and forms large, ephemeral ponds. These then freeze overnight to form large, thin sheets of ice. The sheets then melt and break up in the midday sun. Driven by a light wind, the sheets slowly push the rocks forward, leaving their telltale trails behind them. Speaking of rocks, there is some rock in Canada that might be 4.28 billion years old. If they could talk… they would probably have a lot to say so perhaps it’s for the best that they can’t.
All right, Pals, that’s it from me today, I’m already tired… we shouldn’t work over 6 hours a day. Life should be enjoyed. It keeps coming up with enough unpleasant surprises as it is.