As the year wraps up, what Fitness Blender content have you found yourself loving the most? You could name a workout, trainer, program, meditation, calendar feature, anything! It doesn't have to be something released in the past year.
Favorite new FB feature: the ability to swap workouts! I no longer have an excuse if the workout I have scheduled doesn't suit my needs that day. Just sub something in and keep going.
favorite FB content this year?
As the year wraps up, what Fitness Blender content have you found yourself loving the most? You could name a workout, trainer, program, meditation, calendar feature, anything! It doesn't have to be something released in the past year.
I don't have a favorite workout, but I found myself returning so many times to this stretching routine with Kelli:
It's the perfect length and always feels amazing.
My favorite program of the year is the first one that Erica published:
But I also really loved Complete:
Favorite new FB feature: the ability to swap workouts! I no longer have an excuse if the workout I have scheduled doesn't suit my needs that day. Just sub something in and keep going.
Who else? What did you love in 2023?