HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 12th

Good Tuesday morning!

As some of us are dealing with some demanding situations or personal setbacks at this time, you will find a friendly reminder above, which I need as well.

I will be continuing the 12 Days of Fit-Mas challenge at work today, with a Christmas-themed stretch session and a strength workout. So far, I’m doing ok with my monthly goals, but I still can’t walk for very long, as the outside of my left ankle is bothering me. The long exercise band that I tied around the leg of a piece of furniture to exercise and strengthen my ankles has broken down into small strips, so I need to get a new one for that purpose. And I’m showing restraint in not eating all of the leftover treats and cookies that I baked on Saturday, so that’s a win. I included a picture of what I made in the comments below.

What will your day look like? Does it include cookies? Wishing everyone a wonderful day! 🙂