As usual, when I get a #ProgramComplete, I have to write a post about it.
Abs 3 is a bit different from the first two rounds in two key ways.
1) You have the option to work out as few as three days/week, or up to all five or six days/week. I worked out four days/week for most of the program.
2) There's some focus on mobility this round that isn't in the first two rounds (mainly because mobility workouts weren't much of a thing when Abs 1 and 2 were released). I found this a good addition.
What all three rounds have in common:
1) Three core workouts a week.
2) The presence of extra credit options on main workout days. Abs 3 offers eight ECs, the same as Abs 2.
There is a little bit of HIIT present, but nowhere near as much as the first two rounds. In Abs 3, the highest number of workouts featuring HIIT you may do is four. Or you may end up doing three, if you work out five days a week and take the non-HIIT alternative offered on Day 15 (the only day where you get to choose a workout). Or you could do only one or two through the entire program if you opt out of the optional days that have HIIT workouts. If you're not a fan of HIIT, that may make you more keen to do the program.
I think Abs 3 is the most akin to Abs 2, in general. Lots of focus on core strengthening with splashes of cardio, and a very well-rounded program. If you're more into your cardio, you may prefer Abs 1 (my reviews of it and Abs 2 are linked below).
FB Abs Round 3 Complete!
(Or, #Abtober 2023: October 2 - 27)
As usual, when I get a #ProgramComplete, I have to write a post about it.
Abs 3 is a bit different from the first two rounds in two key ways.
1) You have the option to work out as few as three days/week, or up to all five or six days/week. I worked out four days/week for most of the program.
2) There's some focus on mobility this round that isn't in the first two rounds (mainly because mobility workouts weren't much of a thing when Abs 1 and 2 were released). I found this a good addition.
What all three rounds have in common:
1) Three core workouts a week.
2) The presence of extra credit options on main workout days. Abs 3 offers eight ECs, the same as Abs 2.
There is a little bit of HIIT present, but nowhere near as much as the first two rounds. In Abs 3, the highest number of workouts featuring HIIT you may do is four. Or you may end up doing three, if you work out five days a week and take the non-HIIT alternative offered on Day 15 (the only day where you get to choose a workout). Or you could do only one or two through the entire program if you opt out of the optional days that have HIIT workouts. If you're not a fan of HIIT, that may make you more keen to do the program.
I think Abs 3 is the most akin to Abs 2, in general. Lots of focus on core strengthening with splashes of cardio, and a very well-rounded program. If you're more into your cardio, you may prefer Abs 1 (my reviews of it and Abs 2 are linked below).
As for me, I very much enjoyed Abs 3!
(NB: I made one workout swap on Day 18.)
My Abs 1 review -
My Abs 2 review -