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New Plus Video! Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

Hey ya’ll!

Today was a day was one of the toughest days of introspection and self-discovery as I chose to immerse myself in this bedtime routine after experiencing a traumatic loss. It's fascinating how a simple, 30-minute routine can hold within it a wealth of lessons for both physical and mental well-being. Yoga isn't just about getting into poses (asanas) – it's a journey that can teach us life lessons, and how to change form, take deep breaths, and move through some of the toughest moments. In this video, we will explore the importance of breath control and how it translates to maintaining calm under life's storms. We will practice staying grounded and resilient in the present moment amidst life's challenges.

Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

Are you looking for a powerful bedtime stretch routine that will enhance your life, both mentally and physically? When I experience a loss, writing and moving my body helps me get through all the feels and make sense of it all. Words help me to find purpose, encouragement, and give life to emotions that can’t always be described. The word of the day today is "Savasana," a Sanskrit word commonly used in this practice that refers to the final relaxation pose, often known as "Corpse Pose." Laying flat on your back, arms and legs relaxed, and focus on deep, mindful breathing and complete surrender of both the body and mind. Savasana represents the ultimate state of tranquility and serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of relaxation, both in your practice and in life. It's a time for rejuvenation and a practice in embracing stillness, making it a vital part of the bedtime yoga sequence and an essential concept to carry with you. Yoga teaches us to breathe through difficulties, persevere through discomfort, and cultivate the kind of self-love that transcends self-doubt. When we find our flow in yoga, we find our flow in life.

Letting Go: Child's Pose is a practice in the art of letting go. As you release the tensions of the day, it's a lesson to release the grip on control and expectations, as you allow life to flow as it will.

Self-Care: It's not selfish to set aside time to nurture yourself; it's vital for our overall well-being.

Resilience: Life throws unexpected challenges at us, and a flexible mindset can help navigate those challenges.

Stillness Leads to Clarity: In moments of stillness, the mind clears, and insights surface. I've learned that in the silence, in the calm, we find clarity.

Transitioning Gracefully: The practice is a beautiful transition from the chaos of the day to the calm of the night. It's a reminder that transitions in life can be graceful if we approach them mindfully, with growth and intention.

This sequence will focus on gentle stretches and relaxation. Please ensure you have a comfortable and supportive mattress or surface to practice on and, as always, I encourage you to choose to practice wherever you feel comfortable. Perform each pose slowly and mindfully, while remembering to breathe deeply and mindfully throughout each moment. Sweet dreams!

