Hi, I have been a part of fitness blender for 8 years now. I have completed several programs in the past, some more than once (Fb Fit Round 2, Fb Booty-r2, Fb Burn, and at some point started Fb-XT although I didn't get to finish it.) However, I haven't exercised since 2020. I have lost almost all of the muscle I had built over the years and spend most days sitting down in front of a computer. Needless to say, I am in terrible shape and less flexible than ever.
I wanted to get back into it but I am afraid that doing a program like Fb-Fit would be too much (especially for my cardiovascular system). What would be a good program to start with that would minimize the risk of injury and acclimate my body to the more challenging programs once again?
Also, how long would it take me to work back up to those programs after leading such a sedentary lifestyle for 3 years?
Hi, I have been a part of fitness blender for 8 years now. I have completed several programs in the past, some more than once (Fb Fit Round 2, Fb Booty-r2, Fb Burn, and at some point started Fb-XT although I didn't get to finish it.) However, I haven't exercised since 2020. I have lost almost all of the muscle I had built over the years and spend most days sitting down in front of a computer. Needless to say, I am in terrible shape and less flexible than ever.
I wanted to get back into it but I am afraid that doing a program like Fb-Fit would be too much (especially for my cardiovascular system). What would be a good program to start with that would minimize the risk of injury and acclimate my body to the more challenging programs once again?
Also, how long would it take me to work back up to those programs after leading such a sedentary lifestyle for 3 years?