Site suggestion - sort by number of times completed
I'd love to have an option to sort workout videos by most/least completed *by me*.
So within a tag, for example, I could see which ones I really love but have only done once or twice. It would help remind me to come back to ones I've forgotten.
Or, if I am in the mood for something I'm positive I'll enjoy, I can see which ones I've done many times and complete it again.
I think this would be a helpful feature. I also just enjoy metrics. 🤗
Site suggestion - sort by number of times completed
I'd love to have an option to sort workout videos by most/least completed *by me*.
So within a tag, for example, I could see which ones I really love but have only done once or twice. It would help remind me to come back to ones I've forgotten.
Or, if I am in the mood for something I'm positive I'll enjoy, I can see which ones I've done many times and complete it again.
I think this would be a helpful feature. I also just enjoy metrics. 🤗
Thanks for considering!