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How did FB change your life? 💙Kayla’s Tuesday Thoughts

Hello, friends!

It’s been a long time since I swung through here, and there’s been a ton of happenings on my side of the screen. Heads up: It’s about to get deeply personal in here!

When D&K asked if I would consider filming content, my first thought was one of sheer panic. I had not consistently worked out in over two years and felt so ashamed of the way I had let my body go during and after pregnancy. To be honest, I had spent so much energy trying to keep a tiny human alive that I forgot about my needs, too.

Filming for FitnessBlender showed me that I don’t have to look a certain way to share knowledge. 🫶🏽The vibes in here are so accepting and encouraging that I almost forgot about my workout hiatus! I grew to enjoy working out in front of the camera but secretly still felt a little inadequate. I just couldn’t get the hang of filming and breathing at the same time - and this bothered me.

A few months ago, I decided that enough was enough. I stopped binge drinking sodas and committed to four 45-minute workouts per week. I continued to film but slowly began to notice some positive changes. I could speak clearly without confusing my words (most of the time, ha!) and didn’t feel like I was going to fall over at the end of filming! Don’t worry, though, because I still have a ton of bloopers to share with you. 😉

I don’t want to be overly dramatic and say that FB saved my life, but working here has definitely changed my outlook on what it means to be healthy, balanced, and FB strong. We often forget how resilient our bodies and minds can be, but it only takes one person (or company) to bring us back to awesomeness! 💪🏼

Thanks for sticking with me through this huge learning process. Many of you know that I don’t have a background in filming or editing, so I love this journey that we’re taking together.

Now it’s your turn: How has FB changed your life? What have you gained from our incredible Community, and how can we continue to support you? Can’t wait to read your stories! 💙

Til next time,
