Perspiration Pals 22 June 2023

Hello Pals from the ninth circle of HELL! The buses are practically rolling saunas because air conditioning hasn’t been invented here yet, apparently. The office is fine because my young colleagues took pity on this perimenopausal old girl and let her turn the AC on. Although to be honest, it’s self-preservation because I told them that the rise of body temperature is accompanied by increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating of the skin and heavy respiration and in my case mild aggression. So, we’re keeping the peace by keeping Ivett moderately cool.

I’ve realised that for some strange and mysterious reason I can’t finish the Flex&Booty combo on Saturday so I need to reschedule Erica’s 10-day challenge. That’s what I decided to do next. Knowing Erica’s routines it IS going to be challenging.

I couldn’t get back to you yesterday so I hope you liked my random facts if not, how about these? Did you know that broccoli contains more protein than a lot of meats, including steak? The brain is the fattest organ. It is composed of nearly 60% fat. Sleep literally cleanses your brain. When we sleep, more cerebrospinal fluid flushes through the brain to wash away the days’ worth of harmful, excess proteins and toxins. So you can say, ‘all right, I’m off to bed to wash my brain.” But only if you want to sound like a weirdo.

OK, Pals, have an easy day, eat fruit, daydream a little and do at least want thing simply because you enjoy it.