A lot of people think that you need to do certain exercises to help your back. But this routine is different, which is why we’re calling it unconventional. Instead of using traditional exercises like supermans or low back extensions, we’re focusing on making your core, hips, and glutes stronger and more mobile. This will help reduce the strain on your back and hopefully prevent chronic pain, discomfort, or injury.
What’s so awesome about this routine? Well, for starters, it builds upon our work in a similar routine, Exercises for a Stronger Back. You’ll see several similiarities between these two workouts, including format and cueing. Secondly, we’ve added an optional Discovery Session to - yep, you guessed it - help you discover hip mobility using the 90/90 position. This section is great at making stiff and tight hips feel better, but be sure to check out my helpful hints before deciding if this is right for you.
We have so many unique releases coming up for you, including a mini mobility series on the upper body and a slider stability routine for the core and lower body. What types of things are you excited to see next?
New FB Plus Workout: Low Back Prehab Mobility Routine
Mornin’, Blenders!
Continue on our important journey to bulletproof our low back with today’s prehab release:
Low Back Prehab Mobility: Unconventional Exercises for a Stronger Back and Hips
A lot of people think that you need to do certain exercises to help your back. But this routine is different, which is why we’re calling it unconventional. Instead of using traditional exercises like supermans or low back extensions, we’re focusing on making your core, hips, and glutes stronger and more mobile. This will help reduce the strain on your back and hopefully prevent chronic pain, discomfort, or injury.
What’s so awesome about this routine? Well, for starters, it builds upon our work in a similar routine, Exercises for a Stronger Back. You’ll see several similiarities between these two workouts, including format and cueing. Secondly, we’ve added an optional Discovery Session to - yep, you guessed it - help you discover hip mobility using the 90/90 position. This section is great at making stiff and tight hips feel better, but be sure to check out my helpful hints before deciding if this is right for you.
We have so many unique releases coming up for you, including a mini mobility series on the upper body and a slider stability routine for the core and lower body. What types of things are you excited to see next?
‘Til next time,