It's a great day to have a great day

Happy Thursday Lovelies!!

Today's gonna be another great day!

Upper body with kickboxing cardio is on my agenda today. Looks like bodyweight only moves for strength. I'm cool with that, but ouch lol. This style always hits muscles I seem to miss all the other days. But yay! Kickboxing- warrior princess mode 👑

Might add on some core.

Veggie wraps and roasted chicken with sweet potato is what's for breakfast and dinner. Lunch will probably be a big juicy salad.

No scale victory 🙌 🙌

I'm able to do walk downs without my arms giving out after 3-4. I noticed on Tuesday and then again yesterday. I was like, beast, you're doing the damn thing 💪

What's the plan for y'all today?

Anyone doing core? My goal is to get strong in my side hip raises again. I always glowed when those came up. Gotta get that back now ya hear!! 👂

See you beautiful blenders later today with my workout post.

Rise Strong
