This workout has some classic bodyweight exercises and plyometrics, along with a couple of exercises from the “Bear Position.” This position is one I use in my Jiu-Jitsu training to help with shoulder mobility and core, and in my opinion, it’s fun because it is a different way to move.
The workout is divided into three groups of 3 exercises focusing on the full body. Each tri-set goal is to challenge you with strength, core, and cardio. I will offer a few modifications during the workout but feel free to add your own. We will start the first set with a variation of a plyometric lunge to drive our heart rate up, challenge the legs, and then hit the upper body and abs.
For the second set, we will start using the “Bear Position,” We will also work lower body core and cardio with a combination exercise of high knees to thrusters for cardio, and finally, with our last set hitting a little more abs cardio and core.
Let's push ourselves a little today and have fun with this workout.
New Plus Workout: Bodyweight Tri Sets
Good Morning FB Family!
Let’s move around a little today with this Bodyweight Triset Workout!
This workout has some classic bodyweight exercises and plyometrics, along with a couple of exercises from the “Bear Position.” This position is one I use in my Jiu-Jitsu training to help with shoulder mobility and core, and in my opinion, it’s fun because it is a different way to move.
The workout is divided into three groups of 3 exercises focusing on the full body. Each tri-set goal is to challenge you with strength, core, and cardio. I will offer a few modifications during the workout but feel free to add your own. We will start the first set with a variation of a plyometric lunge to drive our heart rate up, challenge the legs, and then hit the upper body and abs.
For the second set, we will start using the “Bear Position,” We will also work lower body core and cardio with a combination exercise of high knees to thrusters for cardio, and finally, with our last set hitting a little more abs cardio and core.
Let's push ourselves a little today and have fun with this workout.