I was so amazed by the oddity of my breakfast I had to share it! So today the fridge is a bit low, I get a delivery once a week, not due for a couple of days.
So it's just a case of use up and be creative, all good. I had eggs, big tick there and then discovered; a few sprouts, a little kale, few raddish half a red chilli a little feta and a rouge spring onion! threw it all in the pan with the beaten eggs.
I realise many (most? all? !) people may not believe this but I really think it was the best omlette ever! the shredded sprouts made it!
Sprouts in omlette!
I was so amazed by the oddity of my breakfast I had to share it! So today the fridge is a bit low, I get a delivery once a week, not due for a couple of days.
So it's just a case of use up and be creative, all good. I had eggs, big tick there and then discovered; a few sprouts, a little kale, few raddish half a red chilli a little feta and a rouge spring onion! threw it all in the pan with the beaten eggs.
I realise many (most? all? !) people may not believe this but I really think it was the best omlette ever! the shredded sprouts made it!