HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 6th

Good Tuesday morning Blenders! This will be a very slow one for me, as I got home from our work Christmas party around 11:30pm and fell asleep after midnight, which is way past my usual bedtime.

It was a nice evening and I knew almost everybody there, so I took part in more conversations. I ate some vegan meatballs at a restaurant afterwards, which was different but good. One more work Christmas outing to attend next week.

I met an Assistant Store Manager who lost 125lbs in 12 months after undergoing gastric bypass surgery, and it made me feel sad that after all of these years, I never remained consistent enough to build long-lasting new habits, to generate and maintain significant weight loss. But there is no use dwelling on the past and I can only move forward. And I am not in a race with anyone, so I shouldn’t compare myself to others.

I wanted to start the Booty challenge yesterday, but time got away from me and before I knew it, it was time to prepare for the party. So I will start it today, after taking it easy this morning to recuperate from my night out. Are you planning a workout today or will this be a rest day?

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!