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New Guided Meditation for Pregnancy and Childbirth

I recently had my first baby and, looking back on the experience, there isn’t really anything that could have truly prepared me mentally for what was about to happen. You can’t possibly know what to expect as everyone’s labor and delivery experience is different and we all perceive the world differently. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t practice the skills that will allow us to take in stride whatever curveballs our baby decides to throw at us. 

Meditation to Prepare for Childbirth

That is exactly what I am hoping to do with this mindfulness meditation. Research supports the use of mindfulness meditation in preparing for childbirth as it has been shown to reduce perceptions of pain, increase confidence going into labor, and reduce negative mental health outcomes. So, any mindfulness meditation will assist in this goal, but today’s practice is geared specifically toward this important moment in your life. 

Try out this meditation and let us know how it goes. Let us know in the comments below what helps(/ed) you to prepare mentally and emotionally for childbirth?