HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group September 16th
Hey Everyone!
It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Work is weird at the moment. Still slow and quiet.... I hope there is not a storm coming.
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable"
This fits today, I even said it in my head this morning. Why? Well today is a rest day according to this running plan and rest days make me feel very uncomfortable. But I have to trust the process. I also know that pushing yourself 6 days a week is probably worse. So today I will try to be comfortable with the rest day. I still biked to work and if it remains sunny I will go for a walk to the book sharing thing to see if anything interesting is there (brain breeze!).
So no workout for me today, what about everyone else?
Dinner will be boring, just using up leftover veggies to make an easy stirfry. Need to find a protein source though.
Hope everyone has a great end to their week! Feel free to lurk or share!
HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group September 16th
Hey Everyone!
It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Work is weird at the moment. Still slow and quiet.... I hope there is not a storm coming.
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable"
This fits today, I even said it in my head this morning. Why? Well today is a rest day according to this running plan and rest days make me feel very uncomfortable. But I have to trust the process. I also know that pushing yourself 6 days a week is probably worse. So today I will try to be comfortable with the rest day. I still biked to work and if it remains sunny I will go for a walk to the book sharing thing to see if anything interesting is there (brain breeze!).
So no workout for me today, what about everyone else?
Dinner will be boring, just using up leftover veggies to make an easy stirfry. Need to find a protein source though.
Hope everyone has a great end to their week! Feel free to lurk or share!