HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group September 1th ๐Ÿ‚

Hello HKS Blenders! (I'm using an exclamation point in an attempt to stir up some enthusiasm to experience today! Maybe it helps!!!)

If you're in a dry area, you're already used to seeing leaves on the ground, as trees have prematurely shedded them because they are so thirsty. The fall has actually begun today, for who sees September/October/November as the fall months. (Though not for the Australians.)

Picture from Tiny Buddha which speaks to me at the moment and is a good reminder. We get told to make every day count, etc, and while this isn't bad advice, it can also make us want to make everything count, all the time. And some days are just not great. I don't think it's wrong to accept that.

As for exercise... are you taking it easy or are you moving mountains, or anything in between?

No workout for me as my body isn't responding well to any exercise at the moment. So OK body (or mind?), I surrender, for now! Yoga will be on the menu, but not too long and something "easy". I hope to run an errand today, but have had 1 short, though mentally demanding appointment this morning already, and I need a while to replenish my discipline supply.

I hope you have the best day possible. ๐ŸŒผ Anyone is welcome to post here, let us know how you are doing, whether it's more on the positive or the negative side. If you need to vent, you're just as welcome.

PS. I made a small batch of breakfast "muffins" with a trusty recipe, but I used 1 egg instead of 2 and hazelnut instead of almound flour, and they taste funny. ๐Ÿคจ