Perspiration Pals August 9th, 2022

hey there sweet folks,

Heylo from a rainy (obviously) Tuesday here! How are we doing today?

Lately, I have been thinking (and since I have the privilege of hosting for you today, might as well share it here), at P Pals here, women (and very occasionally men) share their vulnerabilities, insecurities, constant struggles with physical and/or mental state -but what is incredible we act as cheerleaders for others and come together as a constellation to brighten and uplift each other with some support. I find this forum a bright spot in the otherwise chaotic internet out there. And as I have said several times before, I feel very grateful to be part of such a community. So, here's to all pals out here -you rock! 😎

Moving on, I have some news. So all my overworking has resulted in (stress of course, but also) something fruitful. I had taken up a pet project and last week I found out that I secured the EU grant for 400K Euros -on a topic I am absolutely passionate about -health tech & accessibility. Absolute bonkers actually, haha, still can't believe it. Folks at work are going all weeeeee... 😁 Senior boss said he's proud of me (what!!? okay that was nice! 🙂)

Hmm, today happens to be my 2nd therapy session. I am very anxious. Much as it helps, I find therapy very stressful -the last time I was overwhelmed and embarrassed for 2 whole days and didn't speak to anyone 🙄.

So might go for a run in the evening to, I don't, breathe I suppose.

Yesterday was international cat day -but I go with what CK said -every day is theirs & they know it, but only humans are foolish to celebrate it one day. Fur baby is doing fine -I eventually got rid of mats she was using as spare litterbox for pee. Check comments for pic of the lil devil.

That's about if from me pals. Over to you now. Once again, incredibly proud of the weird bunch of P Pals here. Group hug 🤗 xx

P.S. As always everyone is welcome to join us! even to lurk!