If youre wondering how the "Garmin buddies" intentions worked out, Im now in the middle of Christines step challenge. We will see who out of the three of us will gain the right to brag about winning this. I have to say I got a little competitive, hehe.
I encountered a couple of creatures on todays walk, mainly birds and insects but also a snake that was crossing the path. Its a miracle some cyclist didnt run it over. It crossed the path and went its way, and so did I.
Thanks Christine for creating the challenge. Ive never created one in Garmin yet, but I shall come up with another one soon. Promise!
Christine's weekend step challenge
Hello all!
If youre wondering how the "Garmin buddies" intentions worked out, Im now in the middle of Christines step challenge. We will see who out of the three of us will gain the right to brag about winning this. I have to say I got a little competitive, hehe.
I encountered a couple of creatures on todays walk, mainly birds and insects but also a snake that was crossing the path. Its a miracle some cyclist didnt run it over. It crossed the path and went its way, and so did I.
Thanks Christine for creating the challenge. Ive never created one in Garmin yet, but I shall come up with another one soon. Promise!
Have a good day everyone!