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New Plus Workout: Upper Body Warm Up or Active Stretch Break

Good morning FB Family!

We’ve got a new workout for you that is a treat for stiff shoulders, neck and upper back.  And this one is coming from deep within the "vault"! Stay to the end for some Bloopers as well as an appearance from Loki in this video filmed back in 2022.

Upper Body Warm Up or Active Stretch Break

You can use this workout in a couple of different ways. I designed it with a warm up in mind, including many of the motions that typically make up an upper body strength workout. In addition to a warm up, all of these movements feel great as active stretches — you can even use this as a quick break from your computer, desk or couch. 

Warm ups are one of the most important parts of any good workout. They make the entire rest of the workout smarter, safer, and more comfortable. If you need proof of this, consider what it feels like to do 20 jump squats with thoroughly warmed muscles… and then consider what it might feel like to do it on completely cold muscles and lungs (ouch, just thinking about it). Warm ups are an opportunity to work *with* our bodies, introducing movement gradually in a way that doesn’t shock our systems. The cool down is of course the opposite of this, and it’s an equally important part of — again, gradually — taking our bodies back down to the parasympathetic state of rest and digest.

Related to my ramble about gearing up or down for a workout, learn more about your nervous system, how it impacts your health and wellbeing, and ways to calm your nervous system, with these great articles from Kayla: 

Whether you use this as a feel good upper body stretch or before jumping into a lifting workout, I hope this routine treats you well. 

Thank you for working out with me!
