Today I did full body at physical therapy and my scheduled full body kettlebell workout. When I was doing the single arm swings with left I kept thinking I was going to end up launching the kettlebell across the living room for sure. I'm happy to report I didn't hurl it across the room. It was a difficult workout though, because I couldn't really do certain exercises with the left side. I snuck in bulgarian split squats and pistol squats instead of a few exercises I couldn't really do. I also added pilates at the end.
Now on to the good news part: I was at the recovery clinic last week for an appointment with the doctor and he said my hand had improved so much that we can start up new therapy now. I can finally stretch my fingers a little bit when I hold my hand in a certain position. He also said I would probably benefit hugely from a thumb brace. My grip is ruined by my thumb, so I'm excited for that. I have to wait until the appointments are scheduled in.
Other good news: I saw an ad for a paralympic talent day. It was on the other side of the country so I sent a mail asking about other options that were not so far away. They have 1 on 1 matching so they replied saying it was probably possible. I am waiting for a reply now after sending my location and sports interests. I find the idea of training for the paralympics very exciting! Curious if they will have some options nearby
Good news
Today I did full body at physical therapy and my scheduled full body kettlebell workout. When I was doing the single arm swings with left I kept thinking I was going to end up launching the kettlebell across the living room for sure. I'm happy to report I didn't hurl it across the room. It was a difficult workout though, because I couldn't really do certain exercises with the left side. I snuck in bulgarian split squats and pistol squats instead of a few exercises I couldn't really do. I also added pilates at the end.
Now on to the good news part: I was at the recovery clinic last week for an appointment with the doctor and he said my hand had improved so much that we can start up new therapy now. I can finally stretch my fingers a little bit when I hold my hand in a certain position. He also said I would probably benefit hugely from a thumb brace. My grip is ruined by my thumb, so I'm excited for that. I have to wait until the appointments are scheduled in.
Other good news: I saw an ad for a paralympic talent day. It was on the other side of the country so I sent a mail asking about other options that were not so far away. They have 1 on 1 matching so they replied saying it was probably possible. I am waiting for a reply now after sending my location and sports interests. I find the idea of training for the paralympics very exciting! Curious if they will have some options nearby