Glute activation questions

Hello Blenders,

I need advice from people who are familiar with the concept of glute activation. Like some others here, my left and right glutes do not "feel" workouts in the same way. My right glute burns more easily than the left one with the same exercises, single leg or double leg.

My first question is, does "left glute feeling less burn" necessarily mean "less activation"? I'm a lefty so usually the left side of my body is stronger. Can the dominant side be inherently more activated and thus feel less (if it makes sense at all)?

If it does mean that my left glute isn't as activated as the right one, here comes my second question. I've seen many people recommend single leg exercises to help both sides be equal. Let's say I am incorporating some glute activation exercises as a part of warm-up... should I do more repetitions on the weaker side until it burns, or still do the same reps left and right?

