Even did the extra credit! I had a Lower body intense therapy session yesterday at physical therapy so I almost didn't do my workout today. But I really want to keep up with my planned program (booty plus flex). It went well. Only downside was that the HIIT was burpee heavy. I can't do those since my left hand doesn't go flat. I tried using dumbbells to grab, but I find that too unstable and uncomfortable to then do a kick out. So I ended up replacing those exercises. It's still frustrating that I can't do those exercises. Even jumping Jacks are a nope because my arm doesn't stretch well enough. Anyway still happy I did it and finished. I also moved to the new apartment so that's nice!
Booty complete!
Even did the extra credit! I had a Lower body intense therapy session yesterday at physical therapy so I almost didn't do my workout today. But I really want to keep up with my planned program (booty plus flex). It went well. Only downside was that the HIIT was burpee heavy. I can't do those since my left hand doesn't go flat. I tried using dumbbells to grab, but I find that too unstable and uncomfortable to then do a kick out. So I ended up replacing those exercises. It's still frustrating that I can't do those exercises. Even jumping Jacks are a nope because my arm doesn't stretch well enough. Anyway still happy I did it and finished. I also moved to the new apartment so that's nice!