Hidden Gem - 10 minute Low Impact HIIT/Cardio Workout/Warm-Up

Today's hidden gem is a short, but sweet 10-minute low impact HIIT video which starts off slowly and ends w/ intensity.

At first, it seemed like the HR wouldn't get anywhere near the HIIT range (80+% max) b/c the opening exercise was not very cardiovascularly challenging, but by the last exercise set it was definitely in the sweet spot!

Of course, as Kelli mentions in the video, what you get out of the workout depends on personal input. In order for it to be high intensity, one needs to give it a high intensity effort, especially since there's no jumping to automatically force more intensity like w/ typical high impact HIIT exercises.

Because it starts slowly and increases intensity w/ each exercise, this is also an excellent option for a low-impact total body cardio warm-up, besides a great short HIIT add-on.

For a longer low impact HIIT workout just repeat it for a 20 or 30 minute total body low-impact HIIT/cardio workout (AAAABBBB... format).


Have you tried this gem yet?
