Ever since the introduction of the new "Complete/Not Complete" filter for FB Plus, it's fun to look at the stats and compare things. :)
This week when searching for not yet completed pure UB strength workouts it was surprising how few were left to complete...
Interestingly, it turns out that UB workouts also happen to be the least plentiful of FB workouts, while Total body workouts are the most plentiful.
It's also interesting that there are 2xs as many LB as UB workouts, and that there are so many total body workouts overall when most of the FB programs usually focus 75% on UB/LB/Core splits. A few of the FB Plus challenges focus mostly on total body workouts, as does the XT program (and maybe the Adventure program?). Are there any other FB programs that are mostly total body focused?
So, of all FB workouts:
- 16,8% of FB workouts are tagged as UB,
- 24,8% are Core,
- 33,3% are LB,
- 46,7% are Total body.
By training type:
- 65,3% are tagged w/ Toning,
- 41,2% are Cardio,
- 39,3% are Low Impact,
- 38,8% are Strength Training,
- 24% are HIIT,
- 9,5% are Stretching/Flexibility,
- 9,5% are Pilates, (more, please! :) )
- 8,6% are Warm-up/Cool-down,
- 5% are Balance/Agility (more, please! :) )
- 4,7% are Plyometric
- 4% are Barre,
- 3,7% are Kickboxing,
- 2,9% are Kettlebell (more, please! :) )
- under 1% are Yoga (new category, assuming many more are coming :) ).
**Personal stats -- complete vs. not complete workouts**
354 amazing workouts yet to try of the 786 total workouts currently available = 55% of them complete (and trying to keep up! :) )
By body focus:
- UB: 71,8% of them are completed,
- Core: 60,5% are completed,
- LB: 59,9% are completed,
- Total body: 42,2% are completed (not surprisingly, since this format is usually only 25% of FB programs ;) )
By training type:
- Warm-up/Cool-down: 68 total = 98,5% of them are completed,
- Pilates: 75 total = 96% are completed,
- Stretching/Flexibility: 75 total = 96% are completed,
- Low Impact: 309 total = 69,6% are completed,
- Yoga: 3 total = 66,7% are completed,
- Barre: 31 total = 61,3% are completed,
- Strength: 305 total = 58,7% are completed,
- Balance/Agility: 39 total = 56,4% are completed,
- Toning: 513 total = 49,1% are completed,
- HIIT: 190 total = 44,7% are completed (likely to stay that way, not being a die-hard fan of traditional high-impact HIIT, haha ;)),
- Cardio: 324 total = 40% are completed,
- Kickboxing: 29 total = 24,1% are completed,
- Kettlebell: 23 total = 21,7% are completed,
- Plyometric: 37 total = 16,2% are completed.
So, what training styles or body focus are your most completed types?
Workouts complete/not complete by category...
Ever since the introduction of the new "Complete/Not Complete" filter for FB Plus, it's fun to look at the stats and compare things. :)
This week when searching for not yet completed pure UB strength workouts it was surprising how few were left to complete...
Interestingly, it turns out that UB workouts also happen to be the least plentiful of FB workouts, while Total body workouts are the most plentiful.
It's also interesting that there are 2xs as many LB as UB workouts, and that there are so many total body workouts overall when most of the FB programs usually focus 75% on UB/LB/Core splits. A few of the FB Plus challenges focus mostly on total body workouts, as does the XT program (and maybe the Adventure program?). Are there any other FB programs that are mostly total body focused?
So, of all FB workouts:
- 16,8% of FB workouts are tagged as UB,
- 24,8% are Core,
- 33,3% are LB,
- 46,7% are Total body.
By training type:
- 65,3% are tagged w/ Toning,
- 41,2% are Cardio,
- 39,3% are Low Impact,
- 38,8% are Strength Training,
- 24% are HIIT,
- 9,5% are Stretching/Flexibility,
- 9,5% are Pilates, (more, please! :) )
- 8,6% are Warm-up/Cool-down,
- 5% are Balance/Agility (more, please! :) )
- 4,7% are Plyometric
- 4% are Barre,
- 3,7% are Kickboxing,
- 2,9% are Kettlebell (more, please! :) )
- under 1% are Yoga (new category, assuming many more are coming :) ).
**Personal stats -- complete vs. not complete workouts**
354 amazing workouts yet to try of the 786 total workouts currently available = 55% of them complete (and trying to keep up! :) )
By body focus:
- UB: 71,8% of them are completed,
- Core: 60,5% are completed,
- LB: 59,9% are completed,
- Total body: 42,2% are completed (not surprisingly, since this format is usually only 25% of FB programs ;) )
By training type:
- Warm-up/Cool-down: 68 total = 98,5% of them are completed,
- Pilates: 75 total = 96% are completed,
- Stretching/Flexibility: 75 total = 96% are completed,
- Low Impact: 309 total = 69,6% are completed,
- Yoga: 3 total = 66,7% are completed,
- Barre: 31 total = 61,3% are completed,
- Strength: 305 total = 58,7% are completed,
- Balance/Agility: 39 total = 56,4% are completed,
- Toning: 513 total = 49,1% are completed,
- HIIT: 190 total = 44,7% are completed (likely to stay that way, not being a die-hard fan of traditional high-impact HIIT, haha ;)),
- Cardio: 324 total = 40% are completed,
- Kickboxing: 29 total = 24,1% are completed,
- Kettlebell: 23 total = 21,7% are completed,
- Plyometric: 37 total = 16,2% are completed.
So, what training styles or body focus are your most completed types?