Hidden Gem - Low-Medium Impact, Knee-Friendly LB HIIT for speed and power

Today's hidden gem is an oldie, but goodie - a short HIIT workout w/ Daniel which happens to be low to moderate impact and fairly knee-friendly, depending on how you do it.

It's fairly unique amongst FB HIIT workouts - focusing on high intensity intervals and plyometrics w/ added resistance in order to build speed and power.

It got the HR up very effectively and quickly, and the legs were feeling the burn throughout.

One interesting aspect of the way the workout is structured is that by using a resistance band for the 1st round and going w/o for the 2nd round, the 2nd round becomes much faster than the first (which is the speed training aspect of the way it is designed).

Not having special speed-training resistance bands like Daniel, a regular resistance band worked absolutely fine.

It's in AABBCC format, and flies by quickly.

It's 10 minutes long, which is great for adding on to other workouts, and it can easily be done 2xs through for a total of 20 minutes of functional, interesting, non-standard LB HIIT.


Has anyone else tried this one yet? What did you think?

If you haven't tried it yet, check it out - it's really unusual and interesting. :)