Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

Snow days + Full Fusion Day 11

Hello FB Family!

I hope your holidays have been warm, cozy and as relaxing as possible. I also hope you’re ready for a whole bunch of new content and features here on the website, because everything we’ve had our heads down on is soon going to reach you! Did you all see the new search filter last week - being able to search by workouts that you have, or haven’t completed? This was a popular user request and now that it’s live, I can see that it will be really helpful for me to find new workouts I’ve not tried yet - especially helpful now that we have so many new trainers, and so much new content.

We took last week to slow down a bit, catch our breath and rest. We are currently snowed in - the weather here in the PNW is just wild this year. We had a significant snow storm last year, record breaking (record shattering, really) heat over the summer, rain nearly every day through the fall, and now another big bout of snow and very cold temperatures - we hit 6 degrees at one point! It’s so cold that we can only let Loki out in very short bouts (before he comes back to his heated blanket inside 👑), and I think he’s a little bummed because he just loves the snow. He plays in it like a puppy and then comes inside and naps the rest of the day. I’ll add more pictures of him playing in the snow, in the comments.

Enough about the weather, as amusing as it is - how are you all doing with fitting in exercise around the holidays? Or, are you enjoying some rest and recharging?

I’ve been making steady progress through Tasha’s Full Fusion Challenge - I’ll be tackling Day 11 later today. I’ve really been enjoying it and it has definitely been challenging. I’ve had to make modifications, but I’m getting through - I may want to do this challenge again someday as a measure to track my progression in strength/endurance. Tasha is an amazing trainer and I’ve really enjoyed having someone else telling me what to do each day 😅

I’m going to finish up Full Fusion just in time to enjoy a few rest days, and then start into the new 4 Week FB Strong Program, launching THIS Sunday!! This one is available to everyone for purchase or free with a Plus account.

I’m getting ready to jump into some meetings right now. Feel free to say hi, tell me how your workouts are going, what you’re eating for lunch or, maybe just share the last picture you took of your pet or pretty scenery you spotted. Can you tell I’m going stir crazy in this snow lol? Joking - I love it ❄️🥰

Have a great day FB Family!
