Hello there, Pals! How are today? I’m not exactly serenity personified as I have a lot to do and to be honest I’m fresh out of ideas for today’s topic. On the other hand, we could actually talk about the nervous system which is basically the body’s inner communication system. My inner communication system is a bit like a busy market place where everybody keeps jostling around trying to outyell (this is an existing word Grammarly, whether you believe it or not) one another.
Anyway, every person’s body contains billions of nerve cells (neurons). There are about 100 billion in the brain and 13.5 million in the spinal cord. Isn’t that amazing? We are like a (relatively) small galaxy of neurons. Do you know how many types of neuron there are and what they are programmed to do? I really don’t expect you to know this off the cuff unless you are biologists, neurologists or very curious individuals with quite a lot of time on your hands.
Are going to have any time to work out today? I myself started Strong yesterday as part of my fifth blendversary celebration. For some mysterious reason my left knee started misbehaving a little and I really hope it’ll settle down.
According to my mini lifebook, it’s Eat A Red Apple Day. Good advice! Please make sure you eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Unless you’re married to a doctor whom you happen to love. Or you are a doctor. Or you just like doctors in general.
Perspiration Pals 1 December 2021
Hello there, Pals! How are today? I’m not exactly serenity personified as I have a lot to do and to be honest I’m fresh out of ideas for today’s topic. On the other hand, we could actually talk about the nervous system which is basically the body’s inner communication system. My inner communication system is a bit like a busy market place where everybody keeps jostling around trying to outyell (this is an existing word Grammarly, whether you believe it or not) one another.
Anyway, every person’s body contains billions of nerve cells (neurons). There are about 100 billion in the brain and 13.5 million in the spinal cord. Isn’t that amazing? We are like a (relatively) small galaxy of neurons. Do you know how many types of neuron there are and what they are programmed to do? I really don’t expect you to know this off the cuff unless you are biologists, neurologists or very curious individuals with quite a lot of time on your hands.
Are going to have any time to work out today? I myself started Strong yesterday as part of my fifth blendversary celebration. For some mysterious reason my left knee started misbehaving a little and I really hope it’ll settle down.
According to my mini lifebook, it’s Eat A Red Apple Day. Good advice! Please make sure you eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Unless you’re married to a doctor whom you happen to love. Or you are a doctor. Or you just like doctors in general.
All right, Pals, try to be as calm as a sloth.