Regarding the new upper body split workouts with Daniel, question…
If I focus on one upper body muscle group 1x per week, is that okay? I have not trained this way, so I’m curious if I’m working 1-2 muscle groups once a week, then focusing on another group, is that efficient training?
Apologies if my question is lacking intelligence. I’m really eager to complete these new split workouts, just want to understand the rationale behind them.
Split Training-Upper Body from Daniel
Regarding the new upper body split workouts with Daniel, question…
If I focus on one upper body muscle group 1x per week, is that okay? I have not trained this way, so I’m curious if I’m working 1-2 muscle groups once a week, then focusing on another group, is that efficient training?
Apologies if my question is lacking intelligence. I’m really eager to complete these new split workouts, just want to understand the rationale behind them.
Thank you FB!