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Brand New FB Plus Upper Body Split Strength Workout

Good Morning Everyone,

Well, as promised here is the next installment of the three day upper body split workout.

Upper Body 3-Day Split - Chest and Triceps Strength Workout Split

Today’s routine is focusing on the Chest and Triceps and follows the same workout structure as the Back and Biceps workout we put out last week. For those of you who have already done last week’s workout already know this but for everyone else let me reiterate that these workouts are deceptively challenging for your muscles and will leave you very sore the next day so be sure to go light if it is your first time trying a routine like this. With that said don’t be afraid to give these routines a shot out of fear of being too sore. Just limit the weight used the first time you try them so you can see how it affects you then adjust accordingly for your next round. These workouts can be done by pretty much anyone with minimal modifications and are very low impact, so no reason not to give it a try.

And now for something completely different… As some of you know I have been building a cabin over the summer and was almost done with it. I was going to get a professional to roof it for me since we wanted a metal roof and I have no experience with installing metal roofs but after contacting a bunch of roofers around my area they have all declined the project (not even a bid for the work.. haha) because the cabin is about 200 yards from the closest road meaning all of the materials would have to be hand carried back to the build site (as we had to do with everything else). So… now it looks like I dont have much of a choice but to learn how to install a metal roof (with a chimney.. The part I am most concerned with) or do a traditional asphalt shingle roof (which I do know how to install). Now I just need a few dry days in a row. Wish me luck! (see pictures below)

Any projects you are tackling around the house in the coming days, weeks or months?
