Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

Long strength training sessions

Hi again!

So I went a little crazy today and did these videos

Kelli Cardio kickboxing & strength:

Tasha's amazing core finisher:

and Daniel's amazing upper strength routine:

Yes, I do know that is probably too much but I am super careful when I lift the weights. I lift as heavy as I can but I err on the side of caution, always, to avoid injury. I guess I am a bit scared that way. I have 5 lbs, 8 lbs, 10 lbs, 15 lbs and 20 lbs dumbbells and a bench, and after 6 weeks of training I notice I mostly use the upper ranges of those now (except for those laterals lifts, I struggle with even 5 lbs for those.). This feels just the right amount for me to workout my arms and core, I didn't get the real burn until I did Daniel's video.

I know you are supposed to lift heavy and maximize the shorter workout, but I am just worried about dropping the dumbbell or pulling a muscle. And I am fatiguing the muscles, for sure. Am I doing this all wrong?

I am absolutely resting from upper body work tomorrow, yikes. And the lunch full of protein and greens was just so good after this workout.