We published our first two mental health Expert Articles this week, one on Body Image, so when this quote popped up, we figured it might be a good time to put it out there as a reminder.
Remember that you are not your scale weight; don't let your self worth become entangled in your body weight.
Important Reminder about Self Worth
We published our first two mental health Expert Articles this week, one on Body Image, so when this quote popped up, we figured it might be a good time to put it out there as a reminder.
Remember that you are not your scale weight; don't let your self worth become entangled in your body weight.
We’re excited to be able to offer more content like this from mental health professionals, and we’re following up this week’s article, “Building Blocks of Body Image - How We Learn About Beauty and the Cost of Poor Body Image” with an important article entitled, “Befriending Your Body - Overcoming Poor Body Image.”
Look for it next week...and keep the topic ideas coming!