Perspiration Pals - 8/20/21

Well here we are again, we have reached another Friday. I hope you're all feeling as relieved as I am. I was looking up some facts about Fridays yesterday and found out that sailors consider it to be an unlucky day to set sail. But the name Friday is also believed to be derived from the goddess Frigg or Freya, so I think it's got to be a good thing. In the UK and Australia, it's also sometimes referred to as POETS day, which stands for Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday 😂 (I think there might be some PPals out there who confirm this one for me).

So what's everyone up to this Friday? Are you resting, walking, biking, lifting? I'm going to be swinging, as in swinging my kettlebell around. It was looking pretty neglected and I found this workout that I haven't done before: I rank kettlebell up there close to kickboxing for cathartic exercise, so I think after this past week I'm going to find this really satisfying. And you know what else will be satisfying? The pizza I'm planning to have for dinner.

Now it's over to you friends. And remember, everyone is welcome here 😊.

Extra meme below because this is how I've been feeling all week and I have a feeling some of you out there can relate. I hope the weekend brings everyone a little bit of joy and peace. The world certainly could use more.