HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group August 5th

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.

“I scooped the cat up and snuggled him against my chest for comfort. He was warm and soft, a smooth fluffy ball of fur in my arms. I'd cuddled up with the little guy countless times over the years without thinking much about it, but now, for the first time ever, it occurred to me that maybe this little act of comfort was what life was all about.” - Genki Kawamura, "If Cats Disappeared from the World"

This is a quote from a book I'm currently reading. My dad had been gifted it by a coworker, and it's about a man with... a brain tumor. Anyway, it's about life lessons/what's important in life and easy to read so when I can put my mind to it, I read a few pages. Cat elbows (brought to you by Tep) on the photo, just because they're fluffy 😍

My dad hasn't been doing very well the past few days and I'm concerned. I had my 2nd dose of covid vaccine yesterday and haven't gotten sick, only a sore arm again.

My workout was a 40-minute yoga in the morning to wake up my body (also did a FB warm up, but as I can't lift my arm very high because of the soreness, I had to adjust a bit).

I'm not in a very chatty mood so apologies for my lackluster post. I'll just ask you: what are you up to? What is most important to you in your life, big or small? (That's a bonus question for who's feeling philosophical.)

PS. I posted before about my 2 meds that might gives problems when combined. My doctor responded that they asked the manufacturer of the tranquilizer my question, but did not have an answer yet. As my doctor's practice will close soon for a few weeks (vacation), I might be left wondering for some more weeks. Which is annoying, because now I can't take the tranquilizer. 🙄

Wishing you all a hopefully good day. 🌼
